
Search for a tour in Africa

Search for a tour in Africa

Embark on epic adventures with the little ones.

Family travel isn't just a vacation; it's an opportunity to explore the world together. In this guide, we'll offer some tips and recommendations for your family adventures.

1: Malaria Prevention

Discovering Malaria-Resistant Havens: Malaria is a concern in many parts of Southern and East Africa, so consult a healthcare professional well in advance of your trip. They can advise on the necessity of malaria prophylaxis based on your specific destination and the time of year you're traveling. Regions like the Kruger National Park, where the risk is low, or places like Pilanesberg National Park, where there's no risk, can be paradise for families, especially those with young children. For children under the age of five, it's generally recommended to avoid traveling to areas where there's a high risk of malaria.

Bug-Proof Adventures: Mosquitoes can be pesky even in low-risk areas. So, it's wise to pack insect repellent with DEET or a trusty insecticide. Consider wearing long sleeves and pants, especially during those picturesque but mosquito-prone dawn and dusk moments.

Net Gains: In high-risk zones, accommodations often provide mosquito nets as part of the deal. In lower-risk areas, where malaria transmission is rare, it's still a good practice to check if mosquito nets are available. This is especially true when you plan to stay in open-air lodges or tents.

The Medicinal Safeguard: If your healthcare provider recommends antimalarial medications, make sure you and your little explorers take them as prescribed when you venture into higher-risk areas.

  • Mefloquine: This is one of the medications prescribed for malaria prevention, and it's also available in a syrup form. This syrup option makes it much easier for children to take their medication, ensuring their protection in malaria-prone regions.
  • Doxycycline: While doxycycline is effective in preventing malaria, it should not be given to pregnant women or children younger than 10 years old. The reason is that doxycycline can interfere with the growth of teeth and bones in developing children.
  • Malanil: In South Africa, Malanil is not licensed for use in children, and there isn't a specific pediatric dosage available. However, it's worth noting that Malanil may be considered for children weighing over 40 kilograms, but only under the guidance and prescription of a medical professional. The dosage is calculated based on the child's weight, and a thorough medical history is taken into account to ensure it's safe and appropriate. Overdosing on malaria medication can have serious consequences, which is why professional guidance is crucial.

In lower-risk or malaria-free zones, you may get a break from these medications. Always heed the wisdom of your healthcare professional and adapt your protection to your chosen destination's risk level.

2: Safety Precautions

Healthy Beginnings: Before your family's grand adventure, set up a visit to your family doctor or a travel clinic. Make sure everyone is up-to-date on routine vaccinations. For an added layer of protection, inquire about any special vaccines or boosters suggested for your journey through Southern and East Africa.

Medication Marvels: Discuss any health concerns with your healthcare provider and stock up on necessary prescription medications for your family. Always carry a copy of the prescriptions. A basic first-aid kit is a trusty companion for minor bumps and bruises.

Call for Help: Create a list of emergency contact information that includes local medical facilities and the contact details of your country's embassy or consulate in the region. Share this information with your fellow travelers and store a hard copy in your travel documents for peace of mind.

3: Child-Friendly Activities

Kids' Kingdom: Research and select activities that match your children's ages and interests. Many wildlife reserves offer kid-tailored game drives and interactive educational programs. It's not just sightseeing; it's learning through exploration.

Nature Whispers: Family-friendly nature walks and hikes are a fantastic way for children to discover the local flora and fauna while basking in the great outdoors. Think of it as a living, breathing classroom.

Creature Comforts: Choose family-friendly safaris, wildlife rehabilitation centers, and sanctuaries that prioritize ethical, educational interactions with animals. It's a hands-on lesson in conservation and a chance for unforgettable encounters.

Here are some useful links regarding ethical wildlife centers in Africa.
4: Cultural Experiences

Village Ventures: Journey into local villages to introduce your children to the vibrant cultures of the region. Dive into customs, traditions, and the warm embraces of local communities. It's an eye-opening and educational experience for the whole family.

Cultural Chronicles: Delve into guided cultural tours that reveal the history, art, and traditions of the communities you encounter. Many regions offer craft demonstrations and captivating traditional dance performances. It's a symphony of cultures waiting to be explored.

Respecting Roots: Teach your children the beauty of respecting local customs and cultures. Encourage them to be curious and open-minded while fostering cultural sensitivity. It's a lesson in empathy and a testament to the unity of humanity.

If you have a day or two to spare in Johannesburg, we've got a fantastic suggestion for you. Dive into the heart of the city's culture with the Ultimate Johannesburg Cultural Experience, where you'll explore both Joburg and Soweto – a journey you won't want to miss.

5: Flexible Itineraries

Play and Pause: Family travel is a whirlwind adventure, especially for young children. Embrace breaks in your itinerary for well-deserved naps, moments of relaxation, and spontaneous playtime. It's the rhythm of family exploration.

Daydreaming Days: Space out those long travel days and adventurous escapades. Traveling at a comfortable pace helps prevent fatigue and ensures that your family enjoys each experience to the fullest.

Child's Compass: Adapt to your children's pace and interests. If something sparks their curiosity, make room in your schedule for exploration and learning. It's a journey guided by your family's collective sense of wonder.

6: Educational Opportunities

Curious Kids: Encourage your children to ask questions and dive into the wonders of learning. Point out wildlife, plants, and geological features during your travels, providing intriguing facts about the destinations you visit. Every step is a discovery.

Journaling Journeys: Spark creativity and create lasting memories by encouraging your children to keep travel journals or sketchbooks. It's a fun and educational activity that becomes a treasure trove of family adventures.

7: Travel Insurance

Guardian of Safety: Prioritize comprehensive travel insurance that wraps your family in a protective cocoon. Look for coverage that includes medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and delays. Dive into the policy details and exclusions to ensure it's a perfect fit for your family's adventure.

In Case of Need:  Keep a digital and hard copy of your travel insurance details and emergency contact information. It's your safety net for unforeseen situations and your ticket to peace of mind.

By weaving these precautions and exciting adventures into your family's travel tapestry in Southern and East Africa, you'll create an epic journey that's both safe and exhilarating. It's more than a trip; it's a gateway to learning, bonding, and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Here is a list of our top family-friendly trips: 

1-Day Cape Highlights Tour

2 Day Wildlife Safari in Cape Town

2 Day Safari in Pilanesberg

4 Day Kruger Lodge Safari

7 Day Kruger, Eswatini (Swaziland) and St Lucia Tour

7 Day Kruger, Mozambique and Eswatini (Swaziland) Tour

12 Day Kruger, Garden Route & Cape Town Safari


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About Detour Africa

The Gateway to Africa ~ looking for an adventure. We  provided vehicles, guides, information and a range of different tours into the African Mainland.