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What an amazing experience!

Tour Comment - 4 Day Kruger Camping and Lodge Safari


Thanks so much for all of your help arranging this trip for us!

Everything went off without a hitch and we were both very, very happy with each and every aspect of the safari!!

We saw four of the big five, but more importantly, we saw a huge amount of wildlife in general! I got some amazing pictures of zebra, foliage, and my favorite, some close ups of a Martial Eagle tearing apart and eating a lizard. I would love to forward a few your way once I get them onto my computer

Martin was our guide and just absolutely amazed us with the amount of knowledge he has about everything in the Kruger. He also had a great sense of humor which is pretty important to us. I asked many questions- some just to be silly (Can you milk a lion?) and he just laughed right along with us.

The other thing that impressed me was the small group size. There were just 6 of us total and we were able to bond on a very personal level.
We all exchanged email and physical addresses to pass along pictures and trip updates.

Finally- The Lodge was a fun time and a great compliment to the camping the 2 nights before. The staff was incrediby friendly; we stayed up late sharing life adventures over some much needed drinks.
It was great.

Jill + Tarryn (USA) 20/9/2010 - Tour - 4 Day Camping and Lodge Safari - on special for only R3665i

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About Detour Africa

The Gateway to Africa ~ looking for an adventure. We  provided vehicles, guides, information and a range of different tours into the African Mainland.