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Namibia Highlights

After a hectic couple of weeks, I had the pleasure of going on a 6 Day Namibia Highlights Tour. It was fantastic. We loaded up into a comfortable 12 seater tour vehicle and took off for Etosha. Arrived late afternoon and checked into our lodge, which is right at the gate to Etosha. The room was great, with air-con, and the most comfortable bed. Dinner was an extensive buffet with a focus on  game meats. I tried the Oryx and Zebra...excellent.

The next morning we were at the gate for sunrise and went through as it opened. An exceptional day of game viewing, with lion, elephant, rhino, giraffeand huge herds of zebra and antelope. Spent plenty time at the waterholes, soaking up the bush, with its game and birdlife. A highlight was a stop on the salt pan. We stopped at a picnic site for breakfast and again for lunch. The food was once again excellent. We left the park at sunset. Dinner was a traditional braai. Sunrise found us back in the park. A morning of game views... treated to African Wildcat, a Cape Cobra and great birdlife. Left Etosha Park and headed back for Windhoek. Check out 3 Day Etosha lodge Safari

After a night in Windoek we set off the Namib Desert. This unique area is a photographers dream... with coloured sand dunes, spectacular sunrises and sun sets, and huge empty spaces. The accommodation was superb once again. The meals were traditional braais and picnic lunch. For me Deadvlei was the highlight, with the dead trees surrounded by huge sand dunes. Managed to climb 2 dunes..exhausting. Dune 45 is popular, mainly as it is the most accessible. Sessriem  Canyon, Sossusvlei, Solitaire and the Nau Kluft Mountain Range were some of the other attractions we enjoyed. The desert was the highlight of the trip.

Check out 3 day Desert Lodge Safari

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About Detour Africa

The Gateway to Africa ~ looking for an adventure. We  provided vehicles, guides, information and a range of different tours into the African Mainland.