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Desert Safari - Tour feedback

Hi Detour,

Just wanted to say hi guys thanks for recommending the 7 Day Namibian Trip.  Sitting on top of desert sand dune 45 watching the sun rise over the desert was definitely my highlight along with the desert guide who took us on a guided trek through the desert and spoke bushman English which was somewhat mesmerizing!

Our campsites always offered us plenty of relaxation after journeying through wide open desert scenery with welcoming swimming pools and of course the bar and coffee shops.  Every day offered something different - no two days could ever be the same - and looking back on my journals takes me right back to the vibe and the atmosphere of my experience - it almost feels like a dream ago!

The guides were amazing and I made some life long friends from Germany, Holland, Canada and Brazil.  The overland rides were so relaxing and our stops at various places en-route always brought us amazing photographic opportunities, and our knowledgeable guide opened our eyes to things one could have easily missed out on.  Thanks again for my life long memories and the amazing people I experienced this journey with.

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About Detour Africa

The Gateway to Africa ~ looking for an adventure. We  provided vehicles, guides, information and a range of different tours into the African Mainland.