
Search for a tour in Africa

Search for a tour in Africa

Malaria Free Safaris in South Africa

Malaria Free Safaris in South Africa
As this month comes to an end, I have two more blogs to write on our South Africa Month, this week I am focusing on Malaria free Safaris. It is a common request and something me and the rest of the team spend a lot of time chatting to clients about. Kruger is listed as a low risk malaria area, in truth though I have not met anyone over the last 10 years that has…   Continue Reading

Featured Tours

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From ZAR 75100.00AUD 5,890.20CAD 5,326.24EURO 3,629.77GBP 3,418.30USD 3,984.08
Top seller
From ZAR 60150.00AUD 4,717.65CAD 4,265.96EURO 2,907.20GBP 2,737.82USD 3,190.98

South Africa - Glamping in the Kruger

South Africa - Glamping in the Kruger
As mentioned in previous blogs, September is the month we focus on South Africa, one of the best months to do a safari in Southern Africa. Game viewing is at its best. Many requests we have received over the years for the Kruger are from couples or groups that have mixed requests in terms of accommodation, one party wants a traditional bush camping experience and the other wants their comforts, we think we have the…   Continue Reading

South Africa on a Budget

South Africa on a Budget
Following on last week’s blog where we are running a South Africa Month and Specials, we thought we would write about doing South Africa on a budget in 12 to 14 Days and including some key areas. Over the years one of the most common requests we get on South Africa is doing a big 5 safari, spending time in Cape Town and seeing the Garden route. I must point out Cape Town is beautiful…   Continue Reading

Popular Tours

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From ZAR 3450.00AUD 270.59CAD 244.68EURO 166.75GBP 157.03USD 183.02
Top seller On sale
From ZAR 41700.00AUD 3,270.59CAD 2,957.45EURO 2,015.47GBP 1,898.04USD 2,212.20
Top seller
From ZAR 29950.00AUD 2,349.02CAD 2,124.11EURO 1,447.56GBP 1,363.22USD 1,588.86
Top seller On sale
From ZAR 12200.00AUD 956.86CAD 865.25EURO 589.66GBP 555.30USD 647.21

September 2019 - South Africa Month & Specials

September 2019 - South Africa Month & Specials
The Theme for this month is our home base country of South Africa, with spring beginning in the Southern part of the continent there is always and air of excitement in the various national parks around the country. Not too hot, not too cold what a wonderful time to travel South Africa. What’s great about just doing South Africa? Well firstly it is perhaps one of the most affordable destinations in Africa, if you keep…   Continue Reading

Have you ever thought about trekking with the Gorillas?

Have you ever thought about trekking with the Gorillas?
Amazing Special – Free Gorilla Permit worth $US 700 A once in a life-time opportunity to trek with these magnificent animals in the jungles of East Africa. Do our tour between January and April 2020 and we will throw in a free Gorilla permit that usually sells for between $US 650 and $US 750 per person. For a limited time, we are running a promotion on our 14 Day Gorillas and Masai Mara Tour. This…   Continue Reading

Time to see Victoria Falls and April Discounts on Small Group Accommodated tours

Time to see Victoria Falls and April Discounts on Small Group Accommodated tours
April is always one of our best times to see the mighty Victoria Falls and a personal favorite. Traditionally there is less rain around than in March and a tad bit cooler. The Falls are currently in full flow, although the flow is less than in previous years I find this allows you to get closer to the actual falls and get some stunning pictures. In previous years when there has been better rain the…   Continue Reading

Random Tours

From ZAR 17200.00AUD 1,349.02CAD 1,219.86EURO 831.32GBP 782.89USD 912.47
From ZAR 163450.00AUD 12,819.61CAD 11,592.20EURO 7,899.95GBP 7,439.69USD 8,671.09
From EURO 2799.00AUD 4,588.52CAD 4,177.61GBP 2,476.99USD 3,075.82ZAR 69,975.00
Top seller
From ZAR 60150.00AUD 4,717.65CAD 4,265.96EURO 2,907.20GBP 2,737.82USD 3,190.98

About Detour Africa

The Gateway to Africa ~ looking for an adventure. We  provided vehicles, guides, information and a range of different tours into the African Mainland.